AIR-TECH EP Electrostatic Precipitator
Washing System Detergent
AIR-TECH innovative electrostatic precipitator EP Washing System detergent, specially formulated with unique decomposition technology designed to efficiently eliminate grease stains. This product delivers fast and effective cleaning capabilities suitable for a variety of electrostatic precipitator washing system brands, including SMOG-HOG EP, Manpo EP, Filtornado EP, Smokemaster EP, Clean Air EP Electrostatic Precipitator, and others
AIR-TECH's detergent is designed to clean accessories associated with various brands, such as pre/after filters, ionizers, collecting cells, detergent pumps, and cabinets. This comprehensive cleaning solution ensures optimal performance across different equipment types, maintaining the cleanliness and efficiency of your electrostatic precipitator system.
Our detergent produces minimal foam and exhibits low-temperature versatility, making it an ideal choice for electrostatic precipitator cleaning systems. Moreover, its performance extends to applications such as kitchen cleaning and purification tanks. The formulation is crafted to provide optimal performance, ensuring a thorough cleaning process while maintaining the integrity of surfaces and equipment.
Experience the power of AIR-TECH Electrostatic Precipitator Detergent – your trusted solution for maintaining cleanliness and purity in your Electrostatic Precipitator System.

Instructions for use
Cleaning effectiveness is affected by Temperature, Agitation, Concentration and Time (TACT). Adjust each to maximize your cleaning process.
AIR-TECH EP Electrostatic Precipitator Washing System
- Suitable to all models of AIR-TECH EP
- Dilution Ratio : 1 : 10

SMOG-HOG EP Electrostatic Precipitator Washing System
- PSH-11/W, 11-1/W, 12/W, 12-1/W, 12-1/W, 13/W, 14/W, 14-1/W (Small Detergent Tank Series)
- No Dilution Required, Direct Pour in Detergent Tank.
- For Other Model: (Big Detergent Tank Series)
- Dilution Ratio : 1 : 10
Air-quality / Smokemaster Washing System
- No Dilution Required, Direct Pour in detergent bottle.

Manual Wash or Other Band Washing System
- Dilution Ratio : 1 : 5